It’s your day 1 at the gym and you stand in front of the mirror by the end of the workout. Do you see Arnold Schwarzenegger in the mirror? A BIG NO! It takes a lot of hard work and patience to become like him.
This fast-moving world has programmed us in a rhythm. Our desires must be fulfilled instantly and that’s all we know about. If things get delayed even for a minute, we drift away from our very nature and go through a storm of negative emotions.
Although we have been listening from a young age that patience is a virtue, but people barely are patient. Also, they did not teach us about how to be patient. Let me disclose one thing that you already are patient. Patience is already inside every one of us, but it takes a lot of practice so that it is seen in your behavior. Patience is like any other hard-to-earn discipline, the more you practice it the more patient you will become.
Do you want it right now, or do you want it right?
Suppose you are hungry and you have decided to make a grilled cheese sandwich. You place a pan on the stove and you put all the necessary ingredients. You tune the stove and maximize the heat thinking that it will prepare the sandwich faster. But, all you get is roasted breadcrumbs with melted cheese. Lack of patience can lead us to these types of stupid mistakes.
Patience is not about reacting, it means responding to make a better move by taking some time. And it will eventually lead towards a good outcome. Patience will help us get the right things done at the right time.
Everyone should know the value of patience. If you become patient, then only you can win over any situation, you will leave no stone unturned in your life. The secret to success is patience and hard work. If you are patient, then you can deal with good and bad situations very well.
People often make mistakes by losing patience while dealing with bad situations, and it will lead to a catastrophe. One moment might bring the worst in your life. Whereas if it was handled with patience, things could have gone very smooth and the results would be smooth too.
Patience does wonders and here are 8 wonders that patience does to you.
1. Helps you live in the present moment and enjoy life
Life is neither about wandering in the memories of the past nor about dwelling in the plans you make for the future. It is about accepting the present moment and living the best life you can.
Either a billionaire or a poor person, both have to be in the present moment and execute their jobs, no matter what they do. Being patient, one can focus well in their work so that they will do what they need to do at that moment.
You can’t be impatient and happy at the same time. Imagine you are watching the most awaited movie at a movie theater with your friends. And suddenly, your boyfriend/girlfriend calls you saying he/she wants to break up with you. Will you be able to enjoy the rest of the movie? You won’t, it’s simple. Because you will lose your patience and you will start to dwell on the possibilities of the future. You won’t be able to live in the present moment.
We often see bartenders flipping the bottles in the air and flaunting their skills. They totally enjoy their work as they live in the present moment. They are very confident about their work. It all came because of the patience they had while learning those skills. So, they are totally in the present moment and enjoy their life.
Have patience, learn, and apply this formula so that you will be able to live in the present moment and enjoy your life.
2. Helps you fight with stress like a ninja. Breathe in problems & breathe out solution
In this busy world, almost everyone is stressed out. When someone has stress, he/she will have repetitive thoughts in his/her mind. You need to solve one problem and that problem comes so much in your mind that you get stressed.
If you are patient enough, you can fight stress like a ninja. Patience brings solutions. If you are patient then you will be calm and composed, and then only you can tackle the problems. If you can patiently wait then you can definitely make the right decision at the right time.
Patience is the vital key that will help you fight stress. With patience, you can breathe in problems and breathe out solutions.
3. Helps you transform your dream into reality. Patience beats frustration to help focus on long term goals
Everyone has a dream, it does not matter if your dream is big or small. But, only thinking about it won’t help you fulfill your dreams. So, you must be an executioner. But sometimes, your actions won’t be able to bring instant success. You will need to wait for some time to get gratified with your actions.
Often you can’t escape the frustrating situation of a long and slow-moving line. People murmur and lament about the situation. But this exact situation would be the best workout for your patience. You can actually socialize with the people around you and even greet the cashier/clerk with a big smile until your turn comes.
It’s all up to you whether you wait with frustration or you wait with a big smile. Likewise, hustling for your dreams could be very frustrating at times. But just by acknowledging that the best will happen to you at the right time will further energize you to work on your dreams. Patience and only patience will help you beat frustration. If you are patient while working on your long term goals, you will focus better and eventually will complete your goals.
4. Helps you become healthier by dealing with anger & stress to preserve your mental health
When you are stressed, your brain releases a hormone called ‘cortisol’. Cortisol, also called stress hormone won’t let you perform well in your daily life. You will be less productive and you will also feel irritated and angry. Anger issues can even ruin one’s life.
But when you excel in the art of patience, you will learn to save your mind. You will function more positively in any situation. There won’t be any risks of psychosomatic diseases. You will have more control over your mind and even your environment.
So, zero stress and zero anger issues already mean better health. Winning over stress and anger means winning over your mind. This could easily help to preserve your mental health.
If just being patient could save you from going through mental conflict, why not start becoming more patient from right now?

5. Helps to maintain and grow relationships
Patience teaches you to value your loved ones rather than pointing out their mistakes all the time. If you are patient enough, then you will learn to explore more about people. It takes quite some time to realize the goodness of people.
Even in a relationship, it is not love which keeps the relationship alive but it is patience that keeps your love alive and makes your relationship long-lasting.
People might have different habits. Some might get agitated quickly, some might be a chatterbox, some might fluctuate emotionally very soon. If you just judge them in a second without discovering the best side of them, then it would be foolish of you. You will never be able to grow relationships with people.
Some people are tough nut to crack. And to know their best traits, you will need the only key element and that is patience. So, patience will help you see the best in people and this will ultimately help you to deal with them, maintain, and grow relationships with new people too.
6. Helps you forgive yourself. More difficult than forgiving others is to forgive yourself
Some people spend their whole life regretting a single mistake they made. The feeling of regret and self-forgiveness can do greater damage than you can even imagine.
But have you ever thought that you have not yet forgiven yourself? Life is a long journey, you will need to accept however you are and forgive yourself. No matter what mistakes you made in the past you can’t keep going with that heaviness inside. It will take some time, but patience with the ultimate feeling of forgiveness will help you to heal that damage inside.
Life is all about learning from the mistakes you made. And it is more difficult to forgive yourself than to forgive others. Patience can help you become more matured regarding your life. Patience brings that realization to get victory over those things which are holding you back. And ultimately, you will be a free bird after you forgive yourself.
That lightness will help you soar high towards success and will bring more dynamism in your life.
7. Helps you make better decision
Better decisions will lead to a better life for sure. Either in your professional life or in your personal life, if you can take better decisions then you won’t need to go through crisis. Everyone values you more when you start making better decisions.
Maturity comes with patience and only a mature person can take better decisions. Why does the CEO of a company make crucial decisions instead of an intern? Because he has patiently worked to get to that designation. It’s all his patience which made him more matured to take better decisions.
Patience makes you better and better every single day. You become more mature. All the hard work and patience will pay off when you start making better decisions as a CEO of a company. One who is composed of patience can only make better decisions.
8. Helps you to love others and be empathetic. Live Human
Love and kindness runs the whole world. One who has a realization about his purpose can love everyone around him. It’s all a matter of patience to realize that all of us have much in common about our lives.
You never know what is going to happen tomorrow. No matter what, love others and be empathetic to people. Patience helps us get more connected with people. You will uncover the truth that everyone is seeking for love and empathy.
Patience helps you recognize the emotions in people and their perspectives towards a situation. After you are able to know about their emotions and perspective, you will always be able to love and be empathetic towards people.
The sole purpose of a human is to share love and happiness. Live human, share the love as much as you can.
Patience is the master key to many secrets. It helps you become more rational and more human every day. Either it is to excel in your work, or to live a happy life, or love everyone around, or to become more mature, or grow emotionally, or it be any positive thing, you can get all of them by invoking patience in yourself.
Give it a shot and please let me know if it helped or not, I am eager to learn from you as well so please contact me if you have a better way by commenting below. You can also find me on other platforms here, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
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