“You changed my life.Thanks.”, “You are like an angel to me.”, “Thank you isn’t enough to express how grateful I am for you changing my life.” Have you ever got a response like these in your life? When people feel empowered and their life is changed for the better because of you, you get a response like that. Empowering others not only changes their life but yours as well. So, why not empower people around you?
“One of the greatest things you can do to help others is not just to share and give what you have, but to help them discover what they have within themselves to help themselves.”
— Rita Zahara
Empowering people is a way to help them to believe in themselves to make their tomorrow better than today. When you empower others, they feel motivated and build confidence to pursue their dreams and achieve their goals in life. They are filled with positive energy that helps them to develop “I can do it” feeling in them.
A small effort from you can make a big difference in other’s lives. If you can influence others in a positive way, then why not contribute more to make their life better? The contribution doesn’t always mean helping people financially. Besides money, there are other better ways to help others like:
- Appreciate and give them sincere compliments. Simply saying “Thank you” can bring a smile on their face.
- Give them the advice to never lose hope no matter how harsh and painful the journey may be.
- Give them sincere feedback.
- Keep motivating them until they reach their destination.
- Make them realize that mistakes are part of life and say it is ok to make mistakes. People learn from their mistakes. Mistakes give important lessons in life.
- Listen to them actively and speak honestly.
“Real power comes by empowering others.”
— Denis Waitley

When you help people without expecting anything in return, simply a “Thank You” from them will be enough to re-energize you. You will develop the feeling of helping others earnestly. Besides this, you will be able to learn about the behavior of people, hardships, and happiest moments. Your perspective towards the world and people will change.
You will meet different people in your life. Even for you, it is impossible to know everything. Every person in this world is unique. They have their own unique ideas, knowledge, and experiences. So when teaching people, you will learn from them as well. You will learn new things and expand the knowledge base that will save you time and effort in the future. The more you teach, the more you learn.
Likewise, people also get inspired and motivated by your actions, beliefs, daily life, lifestyle, behavior, and so on. They see you as their idol, their mentor, so they start walking in your footsteps. It is like how we idolize our parents, celebrities, writers, entrepreneurs, social activists, etc. We get inspired by them and urge to be like them. In this process, we should never lose our hope and we must have patience and perseverance because success never comes in a day.
You always need to be genuine and authentic, never let your ego come in your way, communicate positively, help others earnestly, care about others, encourage and motivate others, set goals and standards and follow them. People are always watching, so always set an example that will motivate others and bring positivity to them.
“You can teach better with your example than by your words.”
— Reed Markham.
You should always set the best example that you can provide. Always be honest. Sometimes, people pretend to know everything that they don’t. They pretend to be someone they are not. They do this so they can earn respect. Their action never matches their words. So, never be like them. Always be the person that others can follow. You should never sacrifice yourself to empower others.
“True happiness comes only by making others happy.”
— David O. McKay
The secret to happiness is helping others. When you do good for others and see your efforts impacting their life in a positive way, you will automatically feel happy. You will feel proud of yourself by making their day better. So, never disappoint anyone and give them the happiness they deserve.
No one in this world deserves to be unhappy. The situation is what makes them unhappy. Therefore, always give your best to make them happy and empower them so they can stand on their feet. Doing this will bring positive vibes in you and you will find purpose in your life to empower others.
Give it a shot and please let me know if it helped or not, I am eager to learn from you as well so please contact me if you have a better way by commenting below. You can also find me on other platforms here, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
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