“Everything you do has an impact. Who you are – that you are – actually matters. In an interconnected world (the only kind we have), our actions and the actions of others are inextricably linked- we are always and forever in a dance of mutual influence with those with whom we directly and indirectly participate. It is the unavoidable reality of being social creatures, only magnified by an ever-increasingly complex and interwoven societal structure. We matter to each other.”
— Paul Greiner
Human beings are social creatures. Since the first appearance of humans, it has always been about the social connection. Humans are born to connect with others. First, it was with our parents, then other family members, friends, colleagues, and our own future family. This cycle starts over again and again. Connection is in our DNA.
Like food, shelter, water, air, the connection is also a core human need. The connection is so important in our life to maintain our mental and physical wellness. The connection gives us the strength to fight with any problems, cherish the happiest moments.
Take your first step towards making a connection with others rather than waiting to receive a connection from others. Connect with nature, connect to make new friends. Nature is the best source of finding peace humans can ever find. Connecting with nature helps to bring balance to the human system. If viewing nature from your house brings you peace, then do it.
“We’re here to put a dent in the universe.”
— Steve Jobs
We are one of the beautiful gifts of nature. We are all born for a reason. So, we need to do something that impacts nature and influences others’ lives positively. We need to leave a mark that will change nature, the universe for the better. Connect to make new friends and leave a legacy that lives long. Make a positive difference in people’s lives.
“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”
— Helen Keller
Wherever you go, whatever you do, always give your best to build a connection with others. Many of us still believe that we can do everything alone. But it becomes too late when we realize that we need the help of others to achieve something. Connection helps us to live a meaningful life, a successful life. Together we can solve problems, build morale. Together we can live, create good memories, help in bad times, prosper, and create a place where we can live in peace.
If humans didn’t learn to connect, then we wouldn’t be in the stage we are in. If humans in the past didn’t connect, then we wouldn’t have evolved, we wouldn’t have lived an easy life. We would still be isolated, we wouldn’t have seen the wonders of science and technology. How easy it is for us humans to go from one place to another, communicate with each other. It is all possible because of humans building connections with each other and working together to bring us to the stage we are currently living in.

We are living a very easy life compared to our ancestors. To connect with other people, they had to walk miles away. But now, we can connect with anyone with a simple connection to the Internet. It has revolutionized communications making it easy for us to build connections. In today’s world, few clicks are enough to build connections. The Internet itself is a network of connections. Then why not connect with other people and make this world where people jointly can work together and help each other?
Our small efforts can impact other people’s lives. When we help other people, it will create a ripple effect. It will encourage them to help others as well making a positive impact. They will extend their hands to other people thus, influencing more and more people in the process. In turn, it will also help you at some point in your life. You will have more people to support you, to help you. Your small efforts can transform the whole world. Let the first change start with you.
You must know who you are, what you are doing, then build courage and confidence to connect with others. What could be more beautiful than connecting with more people where we are living in a world surrounded by so many people? Learn the power of connection and see how it enhances your life and how it impacts the lives of people and how it impacts the world.
Give it a shot and please let me know if it helped or not, I am eager to learn from you as well so please contact me if you have a better way by commenting below. You can also find me on other platforms here, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
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